Twitter is making voice tweets accessible to a constrained group of individuals on iOS. In the coming weeks, everybody on iOS ought to approach voice tweets. Everybody, whether or not they’re on iOS, Android, or work area, will have the option to see voice tweets in their take feed and hear them out.

Here are the steps by which you can create voice tweets using the Twitter application for iOS.

Twitter is a platform where people can share their thoughts and ideas. It’s also a great way to connect with other people. When you create a voice tweet, you’re doing the same thing - you’re sharing your thoughts and ideas with the world.

Now, change the voice to “vibrato” and save the tweet.

To start recording your voice, tap the voice symbol on your profile. ..

Twitter users can record up to 140 seconds of sound with their voice tweets. If they want to go longer, they can continue talking and the extra sound will be associated in a string of various tweets. ..

When a user sends a voice tweet, it will appear in their feed alongside other tweets. ..

To listen to a voice tweet, just tap the picture with the individual’s profile photo. The tweets will play in another window that stays docked at the base of the screen, so you can tune in while proceeding to look through your feed.

Twitter is currently restricting voice tweets to original tweets. This means that it’s difficult for users to record their voice and send it as an answer or a retweet with comment. It’s hard to understand if this will ever change. On the one hand, Twitter is missing an opportunity to increase user engagement by not permitting voice answers. ..

Twitter is a great way to communicate with your followers, but it can also be used to badger them. For example, if you have a Twitter account and you want to get your followers to follow you, you might tweet something like, “Hey followers, I need your help! I need to promote a new product.”