The dashboard design is stunning and easy to use. The most important information is shown on the app’s interface straightforwardly.

Advice for Creating an Efficient Dashboard

Think About Your Audience

Best practices for dashboard design should be tailored to the needs of your audience. To do this, you must understand who will use the dashboard and why. Additionally, you need a team of professionals to make development easy and fast.

The way a dashboard is presented to consumers will directly affect how it is used by them. Will it be seen as a helpful tool while traveling, or viewed as a hindrance while working in an office? The environment and platform where the consumer visits their dashboard daily will determine how the information is presented.

Set the Scene

How will you know whether the data on your dashboard are good or bad, or if they are average or uncommon, without giving context? Consumers cannot evaluate the numbers on a dashboard without comparisons.

The company won’t be able to determine if any action is necessary. For instance, the design of a management dashboard will be centered around high-level metrics that are simple to compare and, as a result, provide a visual narrative.

Think About the Application to Digital Versus Exporting

Export your dashboard design to ensure that it is legible on a black-and-white printer.

When designing your data dashboard, you should consider how to optimize for various exporting choices or share the dashboard itself with all of its features and options.

Share a Story

Your report will be read from top left to bottom right, just as our minds are constructed. Make sure the queries displayed in your report are consistent with each other. ..

In order to get a better understanding of the company’s performance, it is important to break it down into its key areas. By doing this, you can see how the company is performing in comparison to others in its industry and where it could improve. Additionally, combining these data with other information can give you a more complete picture of the company’s performance.

Show Hierarchy With Size and Position

Your dashboard is easier to use when you have a hierarchy of data. Use size and location to draw attention to the most important information and minimize metrics that should only be examined occasionally. It will be easier to build patterns and a visual flow if components have consistent sizes and obvious connections.

Your dashboard should be placed in the top left corner of your screen to maximize your view. Don’t be afraid of emptiness - leaving a space is preferable to creating something larger only to fill one.

Use Color Carefully

Don’t overuse color in your visuals. Use it sparingly to help make your points more easily understood. ..

In your report, you might use different colors to denote different sections of your report, such as sales and marketing. However, only in situations when it makes sense.

Using different colors in a report can help to make it more visually appealing. ..

On the whole, reports and dashboards that are designed well tend to stick to a few basic colors. ..

Select your Objectives

The user’s wants and the dashboard’s function, which is to set your final objectives, are directly related to the design principles of a dashboard. Every dashboard you create, whether it’s for a client or an internal report, will have a goal and use the data to address crucial issues.

Remember that not all of the data provided will be relevant for the analysis process and that if you get this step wrong, your subsequent efforts may be for naught.


An efficient data dashboard should be visually appealing but balanced, clever yet simple, approachable, user-friendly, and customized to your aims and audience.

The following dashboard design suggestions will help you create visuals that will help improve your data analysis efforts.