Xperia Phone with Pop-up Camera and Speaker

According to LetsGoDigital, a new smartphone is in the works that will have three modes: a standard mode, a pop-up mode, and a pop-down mode. ..

The camera pops up when needed from the top and the same goes for the speakers at the bottom. The top portion which has the camera unit also has a speaker to the unit as well.

The patent describes a smartphone with a really thin bezels and a flat sharp display. The phone is designed to be lightweight and easy to hold, and it has been claimed that it will make using smartphones more comfortable.

The working of the modules on top and bottom points out that the pop-up and pop-down sliders change their position based on the audio source. So for example, if two characters in a movie are having a dialogue then the corresponding speaker to the character speaking will contract. It is still unclear, how much impact this feature would have on real-life implementation.

It is not clear if Sony is working on an Xperia phone with a pop-up camera and speaker. This seems like a unique move to get some design changes in the identical smartphone industry.

A Samsung smartphone with a pop-up camera is in development, according to reports. The phone would be able to take pictures and videos with a quick pop-up window that appears when the user wants to take a picture or video. ..

Samsung is working on a 600-megapixel camera that will be able to take amazing photos and videos. This camera will be able to capture stunning images and videos that will make your friends and family jealous.