New UI for Microsoft Office Apps

Microsoft is calling the current design language the “Fluent Design”. This design has been here for a while and the Fluent Design has new app icons, dark mode, and very simple and minimal look. Now Microsoft is teasing some of the new redesigns through some images. Some of these redesigns include:

  • App icons that are more complex and realistic
  • Dark mode
  • A very simple and minimal look

Jon Friedman, corporate vice president of design and research at Microsoft, takes us through the process behind the design of the new Office toolbar. One of the biggest changes is the introduction of a new toolbar that will replace the classic Ribbon. He explains how the toolbars can be moved around as the user likes.

Microsoft is working on a search feature for all of its Office apps, which will be available on both mobile and desktop versions. There is no set release date for this yet, but it’s sure to be exciting when it happens. ..

Microsoft is set to launch its new Project xCloud Cloud Gaming Service in September. The service will allow users to access games from any device, whether it’s a computer or a mobile device. Microsoft is also planning to offer a variety of features such as cloud-based storage, achievements and leaderboards, and more.

Microsoft has released a warning for a ‘wormable’ critical Windows DNS server vulnerability. The vulnerability could allow remote attackers to exploit the server to install malware or hijack user accounts. Microsoft recommends that users update their Windows DNS servers as soon as possible. ..