Chegg is a website that provides students with resources to help pay for tuition and books. Many students find the website helpful, but there are some who say it is not worth subscribing to. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of Chegg, and whether or not it is worth subscribing to. ..

What is Chegg?

Since its discontinuation, Chegg has become a valuable resource for students. It provides an affordable and convenient way to get access to online textbooks, homework solutions, and other educational resources. Additionally, the platform has been used by tutors as an additional income source.

Chegg continues to offer a variety of services to students, ensuring that they have the best experience using the platform. ..

Pros of the Chegg Platform

Subscription Plans

Chegg has a variety of subscription plans based on the student’s requirements. For example, right from writing to the study pack, students can pick any subscription plan they want.

Chegg offers students access to over 55 million experts Q&As, along with guided video explanations. Students can ask up to 20 questions monthly and practice problems. ..

The chegg math solver subscription gives access to step-by-step equations, and the user can input their custom equation. This plan also comes with a graphing calculator.

The Chegg writing pack comes with 7000+ instant citations. Students can also check their papers for plagiarism in this package. If the student has any project uploaded, they will receive expert proofreading within 24 hours.

Chegg offers a variety of study materials, including access to all the above packages. ..

Affordable Plans

The monthly subscription of $15 to $20 might seem too expensive to invest in, but the features available in the subscriptions make it worthwhile. For example, the monthly subscription includes access to a wide range of features, such as live streaming and offline viewing. Additionally, the company offers a free trial so that you can try out some of the features before making a purchase.

The Basic plan costs $9.99 per month and includes access to over 100 textbooks, 20% off all in-store purchases, and free shipping on orders over $50. The Plus plan costs $14.99 per month and includes access to over 200 textbooks, 30% off all in-store purchases, and free shipping on orders over $100. The Elite plan costs $24.99 per month and includes access to over 500 textbooks, 40% off all in-store purchases, and free shipping on orders over $250. ..

The Chegg Study pack costs $19.95 per month, while the Chegg Writing pack costs $9.95 per month, and the Chegg Math Solver costs $9.95 per month.


Chegg is a company that provides affordable textbooks for students. This is one of the unique selling points of the company, as it can be overwhelming for students to pay for study materials regarding tertiary education. Chegg makes this process easy by providing textbooks at a fraction of the cost of traditional textbook publishers. ..

With Chegg’s subscription plan, students can save up to 90% on premium study materials. This includes textbooks, flashcards, and more.

Homework Solutions

Chegg is a platform that provides students with solutions to questions they ask on the internet. With a large database of questions asked by students, Chegg has the ability to provide students with solutions to most of their queries. Additionally, Chegg allows students to cross-check if their solutions are right or not.

If a student tries to solve a problem in complex steps, he can refer to Chegg and find the simplest solution for the question.

Expert Support 24/7

There are experts available 24/7 to help the students with their questions. Instead of simply copying the solutions, students can check with the experts and understand the reason behind each step of the solution.

Refund Policy

Chegg offers a 21-day return policy, which means that students can get a refund (shipping costs are not refunded) within 21 days of the book purchase if they are not satisfied. However, the book should be in the same condition as it was when the student received it.

Cons of the Chegg Platform

Ban on School Network

Schools and colleges have imposed a ban on the Chegg platform on their network because many students are using it to misuse valuable resources.

Despite the school network restrictions, it is impossible for the management to track the students if they try to access the Chegg platform through their personal data connection.

Wrong Solutions

The Chegg platform is a great resource for students, but there are some lecturers who are not experts in the field. This can lead to students getting the wrong solutions sometimes.


Some students might find it difficult to keep up with Chegg’s subscription plans because they may not have enough money to cover the costs each month. This is because the students may not have regular income to afford Chegg’s subscription.


The Chegg platform is a valuable resource for students who would like to make the best use of the solutions and tutoring provided on it.

Chegg is a great platform for students who cannot afford the study materials. It has many pros, such as its low price and wide selection of resources. However, there are some cons, such as its limited selection of resources.

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