You’re working hard on your app, but before releasing it, you hit a snag: the final stage where all your ideas come together into an app that should be easy to use. But it just doesn’t quite live up to what you had in your head. ..

Your app’s design is basic and uninspired. You have not paid attention to the basics that make using your app a pleasurable experience for your users.

The problem is that big tech companies have a lot of users and they often make the same mistakes. They don’t take the time to understand what their users want and need, or to design their products with user feedback in mind. This makes it easy for them to make basic mistakes that can ruin people’s lives.

  1. Make sure that your app is well-designed and easy to use.
  2. Test your app thoroughly before release to ensure that it works as expected.
  3. Keep your app up-to-date with the latest user interface and design trends. ..

What you see is what you get

This is the big one. “What you see is what you get,” or WYSIWYG, is the golden rule of software design. Simply put, a user should be able to open your app and understand exactly what they’re looking at.

The app is designed to be as simple and clear as possible, with no ambiguity or unnecessary complexity.

When it comes to design, don’t try and reinvent the wheel; allow your inventiveness to lie in what your app does rather than what it looks like. ..

Apps should look and feel like the traditional word processing, email, and dating apps that users are already familiar with. The layout of the app should be familiar to users, and commands should be what they are used to. ..

Get tons of user input

Testing your app on users is the best way to ensure its usability. Use a beta program throughout development, and make sure to test it on a wide range of users.

Make sure your betas are easily accessible and channels should be as open as possible for beta users to submit feedback. Then, obviously, make sure you take the feedback on board.

Your app is a work in progress. Give it to people who you trust and who will be honest in their criticisms.

Your app is now guaranteed to be hundreds of times better than it would be without its special features.