Anonymous is a loosely affiliated group of internet users who share a common goal: freedom and equal rights for all. The group was founded in 2003 by a small group of individuals with the intention of fighting censorship and promoting free speech. Today, Anonymous is one of the most active hacktivist groups in the world, with members participating in protests and online campaigns against corporate and government corruption. If you’re interested in joining this growing movement, read on for more information. To become a member of Anonymous, you don’t need any special skills or experience – all you need is an interest in freedom and equality. You can join the group by visiting its website ( or by using one of its many social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube). Once you’ve registered, you’ll be able to join discussions on current events and participate in online campaigns against injustice. If you’re interested in learning more about Anonymous or joining the group, be sure to check out or one of its social media platforms for more information! ..

What is Anonymous Group?

Anonymous is a hacktivist group that unites IT professionals and hackers worldwide. The main motto of this group is freedom of rights which is not restricted to commercial and state organizations. The members of the Anonymous group are also called digital Robin Hoods.

Anonymous is a decentralized online group that protects internet users from all kinds of cyber threats. Interestingly, there is no hierarchy in this organization. It is decentralized and operates only on ideas.

The group of masked individuals use Guy Fawkes masks to hide their identities. These individuals’ personal details are hidden from the public for security reasons. ..

The group does not communicate with each other over public forums or groups.

How to Join Anonymous Group?

Joining Anonymous is not as easy as one might think. A new recruitment video from the Anonymous group explains that the group is not any club, a party, or any movement to join. There is no membership fee, charter, or manifesto. ..

  1. Join the AnonOps IRC channel and type “anon” in the chat box.
  2. Type “ops” in the chat box and hit enter.
  3. Type “join #anonops” and hit enter.
  4. You will be asked to provide your name, email address, and password before you can join the group.

Step 1: Call Yourself Anonymous

This is a simple step that can be put into practice easily. The very first thing you need to do is to call yourself Anonymous and change your online avatar to the Guy Fawkes mask.

Step 2: Define the Scope of your Actions

The next step is to figure out what you want to achieve through the online network. Do something that is socially useful and protects the rights of the majority. ..

Step 3: Do Not Reveal Your Identity

Anonymous is a hacking group that uses anonymous communication to carry out their missions. If you want to be part of the Anonymous hacktivist group, it is important that you do not reveal your identity in public forums. This is a very serious task and can lead to your being arrested or even killed.

Step 4: Improve the Skills

Anonymous is a movement that encourages secrecy and anonymity. If you want to be part of the group, you should have good IT skills so that you can keep up with the latest happenings in the industry.

Things to Know Before Joining Anonymous Group

  1. Be online all the time
  2. Be active on the internet
  3. Be a good person
  4. Don’t do anything bad

Linux: Linux is an open-source platform that helps you to be a part of the Anonymous group. It makes your anonymity stay intact.Tor Browser: If you are into hacking, this is one of the most secure browsers. It does not leave any traces of your IP address.Wiki Anonymous: If you want to join the anonymous group, you need to learn a lot about it on wiki anonymous.Fake Details: No one reveals their true identity in the anonymous group. Hence, you must keep creating multiple fake profiles and emails to stay anonymous.VPN: To hide your real IP address, it is recommended to use a premium VPN


If you want to fight for the freedom of internet users and take a stand for the social cause, then follow these steps:

  1. Make sure to have multiple fake profiles to stay anonymous.
  2. Join an anonymous group that you believe in.
  3. Fight for the freedom of internet users and make sure they are treated fairly.

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