The Song Finder app is now available on all devices, so no problem if you’re using your laptop, or using your smartphone to listen to songs.

Some popular Song Finder apps that you can use on different devices to identify songs easily are listed below. ..

Identify Songs Easily Using Song Finder Apps

For Android

You can now use the Google Assistant Voice Recognition software to identify songs. This is great news because it means you no longer have to rely on your memory or listen to the song multiple times to get it right. ..

Google has just announced a new feature called “OK Google” which will allow users to easily search for songs by simply saying their name. This feature is perfect for those who are constantly forgetting the lyrics to their favorite songs. ..

I played Dusk Till Dawn on my laptop and asked Google to identify the song for me, it worked perfectly.

If you use Snapchat on your Android device, you can also use Shazam that comes built-in to the app. Shazam is a music recognition app that works with songs that are stored on your phone. You can use it to identify songs by their title, artist, or track number.

Snapchat is scanning your camera to find new content to share.

I was able to successfully complete the task using this method. ..

For iOS

If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can use Siri to identify a song. Again, this feature is powered by Shazam but you don’t have to download it separately. ..

Activating Siri by pressing the home button and saying “What song is this?” or “What song is playing?” will allow you to control the music playing on your Apple device.

To find a song on Snapchat, you just need to use the Shazam tool. The same method works on Android as well.

For Windows

If you’re using Windows 10, you can use Microsoft’s built-in voice recognition system called Cortana. Just activate Cortana from the Windows taskbar and then ask “What song is playing?” ..

Cortana can help you identify songs playing on your PC, even if you’re using headphones. Just be sure not to use them while Cortana is doing this so that the microphones can pick up the songs and identify them. ..

For macOS

Siri on macOS now lets you ask it to identify songs playing on your Mac. Just open Siri and say “Hey Siri! What song is playing?” or “Hey Siri! Name that song.” ..

Siri has now become your go-to assistant for all your needs. You can ask her anything, and she will do the rest.

Using Web Browser to Identify Songs

If you don’t use voice assistant services on any of your devices or you use a different device, then you just need a web browser and that will do the job.

SoundHound is a really cool tool that can be used to find music. It’s powered by ..

You can use this website to identify songs. All you have to do is tap on the center icon when a song is playing and the website will do the job for you. It is the closest web-based competitor to Shazam and works really well. ..

Closing Phrase

Shazam is a great app for finding songs on any device, but you can also use built-in assistant features on Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows to identify songs easily. ..

In a recent study, it was found that people who listen to music on their phones are more likely to be smokers. The study was conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles and it found that people who listen to music on their phones are more likely to be smokers if they have a smoker’s habit. The study also found that people who listen to music on their phones are more likely to be obese.