The Hourglass Icon on Snapchat The Hourglass icon is one of the popular features of Snapchat. The hourglass shows information regarding your Snapchat usage. The hourglass lasts for about 30 minutes on Snapchat, and it appears on the main screen after you have used up all of your snaps in that time. This icon is meant to show you how much time you have spent using Snapchat, and to remind you to keep using the app.

What is the meaning of Hourglass?

Snapchat is a messaging app that lets you send short messages called “snaps.” The snap streak is a way for people to show their friends that they’re still active on the app. If you have a lot of snaps in a row, your friends may think you’re not taking the time to send them snaps back.

How to Hide Snap Score on Snapchat: To hide your Snapchat score, open the app and go to your profile. Tap the three lines in the top left corner and select “Privacy Settings.” Under “Snap Score,” uncheck the box next to “Show on My Profile.” ..

Snapchat introduced the hourglass icon to its users as a way to let them know that their Snapstreak with a particular friend is about to end. If the user doesn’t send a quick snap, their Snapstreak with that friend will end and they’ll lose the progress they made. ..

Snapstreak is a warning on your Snapstreak that you have sent too many snaps in a row. To avoid this, send only one snap per minute.

How long does the Hourglass last on Snapchat?

There is no specific time period for the hourglass icon on Snapchat. Several users are asking the same question again and again regarding how long it lasts. ..

Some Redditors say the Hourglass icon lasts for two to three hours, while others say it lasts from four to seven hours. So it’s not clear how long the Hourglass icon lasts on Snapchat. ..

We know that the hourglass icon time for users is different because it depends on Snapstreaks. Snapstreaks are different for all users. Snapchat allows users to continue sending Snaps via the hourglass icon, and the hourglass time depends on the length of your Snapstreak.

How to avoid the Hourglass icon on your Snapchat?

Snapchat is counting how many snaps you send in a 24-hour window to determine your “streak.” If you don’t send at least one snap in the last 24 hours, the Hourglass icon will appear on your account. ..

To avoid the hourglass icon, you can send a blank or blacked-out photo to your friend. ..

Maintain Snap routine

If you want to avoid the Hourglass icon, maintain a regular snap routine. Send a good morning greeting snap every morning. Ensure that you’re sending out one regular snap within 24 hours. ..

Inform the other party

You and your friend both need to keep up the same Snap routine. They need to send a Snap daily in response to your Snaps. ..

What to do if the Hourglass icon appears even after maintaining Snapstreak?

Some Snapchat users are reporting that they are getting the Hourglass icon even after sending one Snap in 24 hours. This is an issue on Snapchat’s side, and you need to contact the Snapchat team for help. You can contact the Snapchat team here and explain your problem. They will reset your account and fix the issue. ..

Final Words

That’s all we know about the Hourglass on Snapchat. If you have any questions, please comment or contact us. ..