Copy Link to Selected Text in Chrome

Link to Text Fragment is a technology that allows for links to be placed in a website’s content, referencing the beginning and end of text legitimately. This makes it possible for any text to be linked, making it an ideal way to include information on a page.

In order to provide a more comprehensive and accurate reference for future students, linking to specific sections of a webpage could be useful. Additionally, social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram can be used to share relevant information without having to screenshot it.

These links work only in the 80+ versions of Chromium-based browsers, and we don’t know whether they work in other popular browsers. We hope they are planning to add support. Trying to open one of these links in a different browser will open the page as usual, but won’t highlight the specific snippet or scroll the page to it.

The chrome extension allows you to easily check the weather in your area. ..