Keen: The New AI-Powered platform is a rival to Pinterest.

Keen is a search engine that utilizes cutting edge advances, such as AI, to help individuals find interesting articles related to their interests. “Keen isn’t intended to be a place to spend endless hours browsing. Instead, it’s a home for your interests: a place to grow them, share them with loved ones, and find things that will help in making this precious life count,” wrote CJ Adams, prime supporter of Keen. ..

The Area 120 team worked with Google’s human-centred AI systems group, People and AI Research (PAIR), to build up the platform to assist individuals with investing more energy in what they love as opposed to looking on the web. The Area 120 platform will help individuals invest more energy in what they love, rather than looking on the web.

You can create a Keen on Keen platform around a specific topic and include articles or different content from the web, as well as offer it with others. Others with comparative interests can follow your Keen and furthermore add to your collections. Additionally, you can make your Keens private or open to control who can follow and add to your collections. ..

Keen is a platform that will continue to improve its AI framework in order to provide increasingly customized content. “The more you save to Keen and organize it, the better the recommendations become. Even if you are not an expert on a topic, you can start curating a Keen and save a few interesting “gems” or links that you find helpful. These bits of content act like seeds and help keen discover more and more related content over time,” mentions Adams. You can also make an area inside your particular Keen to store all of your collections. ..