According to Google, “Incognito doesn’t mean invisible”, Google simply want to imply that if you are using the incognito mode, then this doesn’t mean that you aren’t being tracked, for an extent. However, some data may still be collected by Google in the incognito mode.

In June 2020, three people from the United States dragged Google to the US court in a $5B lawsuit for tracking users even in Incognito mode. At that time, Google simply gave an excuse to get rid of the case that people already knew that they were being tracked in the incognito mode. ..

The matter has been stirring again since a federal judge from the US district court ruled that the lawsuit must go forward.

The court finds that Google did not notify users that it engages in the alleged data collection while they are in private browsing mode.

Google Chrome is a web browser that is used by many people around the world. It has been known to be a spy software for some time now. Google has been using this software to track people’s activities on the internet.

Google has always maintained that they are right here and will protect themselves from any legal challenges.

According to a report by The Verge, Google tries to clarify that “‘Incognito’ does not mean ‘invisible,’ and that the user’s activity during that session may be visible to websites they visit, and any third-party analytics or ads services the visited websites use.”

Google is trying to say that people knew they were being tracked, but the California district judge is refusing to dismiss the lawsuit because of a different reason.

We think that Google should at least make it clear to users that their data is being tracked, as it seems like common sense, but in reality this is not always the case. However, we believe that it is not entirely Google’s fault; if a website is using a tracking service like Google Analytics then the website owner should want to collect every bit of data, even in incognito mode. Additionally, browsers have a responsibility to let users know this information so they can make an informed decision about whether or not to visit the site. ..