DDR3 is a older version of DDR4 that has many benefits over the newer version. So if you’re looking for a memory card that will work with your computer, DDR3 is the better choice.

DDR3 and DDR4 are two different types of RAM that have been in the market for a while now. DDR3 is considered to be a lower-end RAM, while DDR4 is considered to be a higher-end RAM. However, there are actually some differences between the two that you should know about if you’re looking to upgrade your computer. First and foremost, DDR4 is faster than DDR3. This is because it uses more data bits per clock cycle, which makes it faster overall. Additionally, DDR4 also has a higher capacity than DDR3. This means that it can hold more information and data transfers more quickly than DDR3 can. Overall, these differences mean that if you’re looking to upgrade your computer’s RAM, you should definitely consider upgrading to DDR4 instead of DDR3. ..

What is RAM?

Random Access Memory is a type of memory that helps your computer store information. It can be read or written at any time.

RAM is a type of storage that helps your computer process more data in less time. By using more RAM, you can get the best performance out of your computer.


Key Differences: DDR3 vs DDR4


DDR3 RAM was introduced in 2007, and while manufacturers have since made boards with more pins, DDR4 RAM is the newer and more popular choice. While there are some minor differences between the two types of RAM, the most important difference is that DDR4 RAM comes in two varieties: fast (2133 MHz) and slow (1866 MHz).

To use a DDR4 RAM in place of a DDR3 RAM, you’ll need to purchase a 288-pin DDR4 memory module.

Cost Factor

DDR4 RAM is the latest and most advanced RAM technology that is used in a variety of devices these days. It is especially popular in smartphones, tablets, PC, laptops, and other electronic devices.

DDR3 RAM is becoming outdated and is cheaper to use compared to DDR4 RAM. You will hardly find stores selling DDR3 RAM modules these days as everyone uses DDR4 RAM.

Clock Speed and Latency

RAMs are designed to operate at a certain speed and latency in order to provide an optimal performance. ..

Higher clock speeds mean faster data access, which can lead to faster loading times and reduced costs associated with running applications. ..

RAMs have a latency, or the time it takes for data to be read from or written to the RAM. This latency is usually measured in nanoseconds. ..

A RAM’s clock speed is important because it determines its latency. Lowering the clock speed will reduce the latency of a RAM, but also increase its overall performance.

DDR3 RAM operates on CL11 which takes 13.75 nanoseconds to complete a read. DDR4 operates on CL15 which takes 14.06 nanoseconds doing the same task making about a 2% difference in latency.

Refresh Algorithm

To ensure that RAM is always ready to read and write data, RAMs have refresh algorithms to keep them from idling. ..

The older DDR3 RAM uses two refresh algorithms called the Auto-refresh(AR) and self-refresh(SR) algorithms. It switches between the two depending on the need.

DDR4 uses only the auto-refresh algorithm to ensure that nothing on the memory is unprocessed.

Power Consumption

DDR3 RAM operates on a voltage of 1.50V while DDR4 operates on a voltage of 1.20V. This difference in voltage can result in a 15W difference in performance.

When it comes to servers, the power consumption is a huge difference. 15W difference in power consumption can make a huge difference when it comes to servers.

A computer’s RAM is its memory, which stores data and programs that the computer can use. Lower voltage RAMs are more efficient in running a computer because they use less power.


DDR4 RAM is definitely the winner when it comes to RAM capacity. There is no upper limit to the amount of DDR4 RAM that can be used, which makes it a great choice for users who want to keep their computer running smoothly.

Bottom Line – DDR3 vs DDR4

The bottom line is that if you are looking to buy RAM, DDR4 is a no-brainer.

DDR3 was the original memory type. It was very slow and inefficient. DDR4 is faster and more efficient. It is used in all modern devices, including computers.