This Black Friday, be sure to take steps to stay safe online. Here are some tips:

  1. Use a secure browser: Use a secure browser like Chrome or Firefox to keep your information safe. This way, hackers can’t access your personal information or steal your money.
  2. Don’t share personal information: Don’t share your credit card number, social security number, or other sensitive information online. This way, you’re less likely to be targeted by cyber thieves and hackers.
  3. Be aware of scams: Be aware of scams that promise you money or goods in exchange for sharing your personal information. Be sure to read the terms and conditions of any deal before clicking on it.

#1. Use a Secure Connection

The UK mobile commerce retail sales are expected to peak at £79.8 billion this year, continuing to rise markedly through 2024 and beyond.

In Q1 of 2022, 66% of online e-commerce orders in the UK were also made on a smartphone, suggesting that a rising number of purchases are made using an unsecured public network.

Many networks, such as shopping centers, libraries, and coffee houses, are vulnerable to hackers who want to capture users’ personal and transaction data. ..

They may do this by creating unauthorized access points to public networks, which encourages you to connect and subsequently make your web traffic and data accessible to third parties.

This issue is complicated because public networks are often used by people who want to buy things that are important to them, like family photos or music. By avoiding public networks, we can protect these people and the things they care about from being accessed by others.

However, this may not be possible given the rise of m-commerce and the convenience that it provides to shoppers, so you may want to consider using a virtual private network. ..

This extra layer of security is designed to protect your data and personal information as you browse the internet, watch videos, or play games. By using a Black Friday VPN, you’ll be able to keep your online activity private and safe from prying eyes.

When using a VPN, all of your data and web traffic is routed through an encrypted tunnel when you’re connected to a public network. This protects your privacy and prevents others from tracking your activity. ..

This Black Friday deal minimizes the risk of potentially harmful malware attacks by removing geographical content restrictions and enabling you to access a broader range of Black Friday offers from across the globe.

#2. Use Trusted Websites With SSL Encryption

This Black Friday, it’s important to only buy from well-known brands or trusted websites that you know. ..

If you’re looking for a Black Friday deal through an unfamiliar brand or website, you’ll need to carry out a number of individual security checks in order to verify the authenticity of the site and its status as a genuine, small retailer.

If the website you’re visiting has a padlock icon in the address bar, it means that it’s using SSL encryption to protect your data. This is important because it means that any information you send over the web is encrypted, meaning that it’s not possible for anyone else to intercept or steal it. ..

Some of the most secure websites are those that use 128-bit encryption, which helps protect your personal and transaction data when online. ..

#3. Remain Vigilant and Alert to Phishing Scams

This type of email is usually sent by hackers posing as someone who is known to you, or a site you trust. They may also mimic a particular look-alike domain or individual.

Cybercriminals often use trusted sources to launch phishing attacks. It’s important to verify the veracity of all email communications before you act upon them.

This step helps your email account manager identify suspicious emails and potentially prevent them from reaching your inbox.