What is DPU?

NVIDIA’s acquisition of Mellanox earlier this year has given birth to a new class of processors called DPUs. DPUs are flexible and programmable processors that can improve the performance of a variety of applications. ..

Mellanox is already deploying the first generation of Bluefield DPUs in leading high-performance computing, deep learning, and cloud data centers to provide new levels of performance, scale, and efficiency with improved operational agility.

A DPU-based SmartNIC is a network interface card that offloads processing tasks that the system CPU would normally handle. Using its own on-board processor, the DPU-based SmartNIC may be able to perform any combination of encryption/decryption, firewall, TCP/IP and HTTP processing. ..

Why Do We Need DPU?

These DPUs are known by the name of Bluefield that has a unique design that can enable programmability to run at speeds of up to 200Gb/s. The Bluefield DPU integrates the NVIDIA Mellanox Connect best-in-class network adapter, encompassing hardware accelerators with advanced software programmability to deliver diverse software-defined solutions.

  1. Online customer service
  2. Online marketing
  3. Business intelligence
  4. Collaborative workflows

The cloud service provider can enable storage, networking, and security to be part of the composable infrastructure for cloud service providers. Allowing the operator to facilitate bare metal to the cloud tenant as a service while preserving control over the server and protecting the environment can enable and isolate environment to accelerate compute-intensive security functions. Can store, compute and secure data at the highest speeds while lowering cost and time by analyzing data at the edge.

Mellanox is researching ways to use its DPU-based SmartNICs to secure cloud-native workloads at 100Gb/s. ..

NVIDIA has announced a new DPU, which it claims has the following features: According to NVIDIA, the new DPU comes with the following features: NVIDIA has announced a new DPU that it claims has the following features: According to NVIDIA, the new DPU comes with the following features: NVIDIA has announced a new DPU that it claims has the following features: According to NVIDIA, a DPU is an important part of its Tegra family of processors and comes with several advantages. ..

Data packet parsing, matching, and manipulation: GPU-Direct accelerators can bypass the CPU and feed networked data directly to GPUs. This allows for faster processing of large data sets, as well as streaming 4K/8K video. Traffic shaping “packet pacing” accelerator can be used to ensure that packets are delivered at the correct intervals. Crypto acceleration can be used to protect data from being accessed by unauthorized individuals. Virtualization support can be used to create isolated environments for different applications.