1. Update Software Regularly

Security patches are important because they keep you safe. Make sure you enable automatic updates on all your devices so that you don’t have to worry about manually checking for dozens of updates or being at risk when inevitable app and system vulnerabilities are identified.

2. Apply Password Best Practices

Many websites have strict password policies in place and they are designed to help protect your account. Whenever such policies don’t exist, keep in mind that password length and uniqueness are the most important factors.

Use strong passwords that are unique to each site and are at least 14 characters long. Don’t reuse passwords between websites, especially if they are tied to financial information.

3. Invest in Identity Theft Protection

Lifelock offers discounted rates for members of their community, which can help improve your digital security. Becoming a member of Lifelock’s community can help you stay up-to-date on the latest security threats and make sure your data is safe. ..

You will benefit from privacy monitoring technology, dark web monitoring, data breach notifications, security and VPN for multiple devices. ..

Depending on the plan you choose, you could also get bank account takeover alerts, activity alerts for your credit, checking, and savings accounts, alerts on crimes committed in your name, and much more. ..

4. Learn to Identify Phishing

An e-mail message might ask for your personal data, redirect you to a website that prompts you to divulge credentials or it could have an attachment for you to check.

If you get an e-mail from someone you don’t know, be careful. Many ransomware attacks start out as phishing attempts, so don’t open them. If a friend of yours has been infected with malware, they might send you e-mails on their behalf asking you to pay money for a software update or to view a document they think is important.

Always hover over a link in a message to see where it would redirect you. Also, be careful of spelling and grammar errors, as impersonators often make these mistakes. ..

5. Be Wary of Public Wi-Fi Risks

Since public Wi-Fi is convenient and heavily used in airports and bars, it’s a good idea to use it when traveling abroad. However, be aware that you are not required to enter a password and the connection to that network is not secure. You could use it briefly to search for an address, but avoid logging onto any website or using payment methods via public Wi-Fi.

6. Secure Your Mobile Devices

A recent study by security firm Kaspersky found that more than half of all attacks on smartphones in the first three months of 2018 were related to hacking into these devices. This is a serious problem because it means that people’s personal information, such as their bank account numbers and cryptocurrency wallets, are at risk if they are hacked. We need to be careful about how we use smartphones and other electronic devices, and make sure that our data is protected from hackers.

To keep your mobile devices and online privacy protected, only install apps from trusted sources and avoid sending personal data via text messages. ..

Use a mobile passcode that is unique to your phone and that you keep updated and backed up regularly to the cloud.

Stay Safer Online

This is why it is important for businesses to take measures to protect their data, and to ensure that their employees are properly trained in data security.

identity theft is a problem that affects many people, and there are a few things you can do to help protect yourself. One way to protect yourself is to invest in your online security, which includes using a password manager and other methods to keep your information safe. Additionally, cross off your list of to-dos as many of the above strategies as possible so that you don’t become one of the many victims of identity theft.