If you want to chat with the number +919876543210 in India, you can go to the URL: https://wa.me/919876543210. Type it in the browser and you’ll get a web page that has a big green Message icon. Tapping on it will open a conversation with that phone number in WhatsApp.

Method 2: Use Click To Chat app to Send WhatsApp Messages

WhatsApp is a messaging app that lets you communicate with people across platforms, including WhatsApp. You can use WhatsApp to speed up the process of communicating with others. For example, if you want to talk to someone on WhatsApp but don’t have their phone number, you can enter their phone number into the app and then tap a button to start a chat.

The three best chat apps for free are Click to chat, Easy Message and One Call.

Method 3: Use Text selection and App Actions to Send WhatsApp messages

The third method is the easiest, fastest, and best-integrated way to send WhatsApp messages. Whenever you have a phone number in any app, you can simply select the corresponding text, and check the suggested actions. The main ones are always Call, Cut, Copy, Paste, but if you tap the three dots, you may see more options including sending a WhatsApp message. Just select that and the chat will be started.

Type +phonenumber (including the + and country code at the beginning) in the Google search widget on your home screen Then tap to select it, and tap the three-dot button. If you have a compatible device, an option to send a WhatsApp message should pop up. ..

We’ve found that this function works on both Android 9 Pie and 10, but only on stock devices. We saw the other actions on Huawei, Samsung, and OnePlus phones, but not the WhatsApp one.

Method 4: Send WhatsApp messages to Unknown Numbers Present in your WhatsApp Group

This method is only eligible if you want to send a WhatsApp message to an unknown person who is in a group you both belong in.

Open the groupView group membersScroll down till you find the desired number you are looking forTap on that number.Choose the first option. Viz, “Message

That’s it! Then you can send messages to that person.

Method 5: Send Whatsapp Message using Web App

This is a quick and easy way to send a whatsapp message. The initial method can only be a text or link.

Open https://sendmsg.netlify.app/ on your smartphone and type in the number including the country code but not with the ‘+’ sign. Then type your message in the message box given below. Click on the send button. It will redirect you to Whatsapp and open a chatbox with the person. You can then edit your message as you like and send anything you’d like to.

You can try any of the methods below to send WhatsApp messages:

  • Use a phone number that you know is safe.
  • Use a secure messaging service like WhatsApp.
  • Use a VPN to encrypt your communication.

How to show deleted messages in WhatsApp: WhatsApp is a messaging app with over 1 billion active users. It’s one of the most popular messaging apps on the market, and it’s also one of the most popular ways to communicate with friends and family. However, like any other messaging app, WhatsApp also has a feature that allows users to delete messages. If you delete a message in WhatsApp, it will be removed from your chat history and will no longer be visible to anyone else who was involved in that conversation. However, if someone else accesses your chat history (for example, if you share your phone with someone else), they will be able to see that you deleted that message. There are a few different ways that you can show deleted messages in WhatsApp:

  1. You can view a list of all of your deleted messages by opening the Messages app and selecting “Deleted Messages.” This list will include all of the messages that you’ve deleted from your chat history (as well as any messages that have been archived).
  2. You can view a list of all of your deleted conversations by opening the Conversations app and selecting “Deleted Conversations.” This list will include all of the conversations that you’ve deleted from your chat history (as well as any conversations that have been archived).
  3. You can view a list of all of your deleted media files by opening the Media app and selecting “Deleted Files.” This list will include all of the media files that you’ve deleted from your phone (as well as any media files that have been archived).
  4. You can hide individual messages from view by pressing on them and selecting “Hide Message.” This option will disappear the message from both the Messages app and the Conversations app. However, if someone else accesses either of these apps (for example, if you share your phone with someone else), they’ll still be able to ..